Wednesday, 29 April 2015

Large Scale Levels of Mold Infestation

As the levels of mold infestation increases, the action required should be immediate. Although there are some handymen who can handle the extent of the job, there are mold remediation experts who can handle the situation for you, while you stay safely away from the contamination. These last two levels are the most difficult and dangerous levels of a mold infestation; taking precaution and ensuring safety are the priorities.

Level 4: Greater than 100 Square Feet

Depending in the intensity of the infestation, the best course of action for dealing with a level 4 mold infestation, is calling a mold remediation expert for assistance. If you are planning to take part in the remediation process, here are some precautions you should take:

  1. Everyone involved in the mold remediation process should be properly trained in handling hazardous materials.
  2. Make sure you are equipped with full face respirators with HEPA (high-efficiency particulate air) cartridges.
  3. Wear disposable protective clothing covering both head and shoes.
  4. Isolate the working area by sealing vents, ducts, grills, and other openings.
  5. Set up a “decontamination” room.
  6. Monitor air conditions before moving back into your home to ensure safety.

Level 5: HVAC Systems

Level 5 is perhaps the most dangerous type of mold infestation since it involves the air you breathe. Applying all the necessary precautions will be important to keep everyone healthy. Follow these steps as soon as you notice there is mold growth in your HVAC system:

  1. Shut down the entire HVAC system before starting the mold remediation process.
  2. Growth-supporting materials that are contaminated should be removed, sealed, and secured before disposing.
  3. Use an effective and a broad spectrum of antimicrobial agents that prevents the growth of microorganisms.

Consider asking a mold remediation expert for advice on effectively dealing with high level mold infestations. Stay safe and healthy by acting quickly and preventing mold from festering and taking over your home.

Friday, 17 April 2015

Small Scale Levels of Mold Infestation

At what point is the presence of mold inside a home considered an infestation? There are different categories or levels to consider the extent of mold. Identifying the level of infestation can help homeowners determine if they can handle the situation themselves or if it is already time to call in the help of mold remediation experts. If you are dealing with mold in your home, the distinction of levels will help you:

Level 1: 10 Square Feet or Less

Almost every household will have to deal with mold. Handling a small scale infestation such as a level 1 scenario is basic and easily done. Here are a few steps to follow:

  1. For people with respiratory or immune disorders, even a level 1 clean up should be avoided.
  2. Always wear gloves, eye protection, and a mask when cleaning up.
  3. Remove infants and people with medical conditions from the surroundings.
  4. Dispose of materials that cannot be cleaned in a sealed plastic bag to prevent further contamination.
  5. Ensure even the smallest of areas are left dry and visibly free of mold.

Level 2: 10 – 30 Square Feet

For a level 2 infestation, the same precautions as a level 1 infestation should be taken. Since the area of contamination is larger than that of level 1, here are some added precautions to take:

  1. Wrap all the moldy materials in plastic sheets and secure with tape before handling these. This will contain the dust and debris and prevent spores from floating in the air.
  2. Double wrap these materials before moving them out of the house. This will stop further contamination.
  3. As soon as the mold removal is done, vacuum the work area and the surrounding areas with an HEPA vacuum and wipe the areas with a damp cloth, but allow to dry immediately.

Level 3: 30 – 100 Square Feet

The contaminated area will be much larger compared to levels 1 and 2, but the same basic precautions should be observed. This will be a bigger job and if you feel as if it is too much to handle, contact a mold remediation expert for help. Here are some added precautions for a level 3 infestation:

  1. Seal vents, ducts, and grills within the working area and areas directly adjacent.
  2. Vacate everyone from the home until the work is completed.

These are just the first 3 levels of mold contamination, as the level increases the work and necessary precautions will also increase. Check back for an update with the last 2 higher levels of mold infestation on the next post.

Tuesday, 7 April 2015

San Diego Fire Damage Restoration Services Company - On The Costs of Wildfires

A total of 14 wildfires, starting with the May 13 Bernardo Fire, scorched around 26,000 acres of forest and vegetation. It cost the county nearly $28 million to fight the fires on multiple fronts, and cost residents almost $30 million in property damage, according to the county's after-action report. It was only second to the worst firestorm in the county's history eight years ago. Had it not been for San Diego's commitment to improving disaster response, the toll would've been much higher. According to the report, firefighting aircraft played a crucial role in controlling the May blazes. CAL FIRE is currently working to expand its air fleet and secure a future commitment for military assistance should another blaze of this scale recur.

Dangers of Floodwater

Never underestimate the power of water. When your science teacher told you that water is the universal solvent, it was an absolute truth. In fact, water does more than just dissolve matter. One of the most disastrous forms of water is flooding. Here are some of the destructive effects of flooding on homes.

When Drying Isn’t Enough

After flooding, you just want everything to be back in its clean and dry state. Unfortunately, even if everything can be dried, not all your belongings look and function can be restored. Electronics that have soaked in water will most likely be unusable. Books that have been left wet for a long time may no longer be recovered. The same goes with your carpet and dry wall.