Monday 2 March 2015

Mold Clean-Up Facts

The thought of mold invading our houses is terrifying; but before panicking there are some facts about mold inside the house you should know.

• Mold can be found everywhere and it is very hard to avoid being exposed to it.

• It grows all year round and is found both indoors and outside.

• It only takes moisture, warmth, and food for mold to grow.

• Common places for mold to grow inside the house are bathrooms, kitchens, and basements.

• In just 48 hours, mold can begin to grow in a moist environment with the aid of the right room temperature.

• It is difficult to avoid mold spores, but regular cleaning can help in preventing severe mold infestation.

Determine the Clean Up

When it comes to mold remediation, there are a few factors to consider before deciding on who should handle the situation. First thing to look at is the size of the infestation. If the problem covers less than 10 square foot, you will be able to clean it up yourself with household cleaning products.

If the mold infestation expands wider than the 10 square foot radius or if the growth is alarming to the point that a foul smell is created, a professional mold remediation expert should be called in for help. It is crucial to address a mold infestation as soon as possible because there are many health ramifications that can occur if it is left untreated. Not only will the mold destroy your home, but it can endanger your family’s respiratory health as well.

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